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The people of Nso

The people of Nso (Banso) lives in the North West Province at Kumbo (Kimbo) and Jaikri, but also in Nigerian territory. Around 130,000 people belong to the Bantu tribe, which has a rich tradition. The tribal language is Lamnso. It is similar to the surrounding languages Oku or Kom. The capital of the Banso is Kumbo with around 60,000 inhabitants.

Kumbo - Shisong Kumbo - Squares

The "Fon" is the traditional ruler and chief religious authority in charge of the heritage of the ancestors. Besides the Fon, the community is divided into different groups, each leaded by a "Fai". It is exactly like the Fon, responsible family and clan to settle matters. The centuries-old system of determination of tribal and group leader is secret. Already during the reign of the Fon, the princes "Wontoh" in the discussions about justice and arbitration. The population, however, speaks exclusively to the Fon and his representatives
Besides the aristocrats there are other groups, such as the warriors, "Mfu". Each village has its own group, which meets to discuss issues of the clan and the village on eighth day of the week (Nso calendar). Often, after the meetings they dance, drink and play instruments.

Royal Highness Fon of Nso Sehm Mbinglo II The Njang music group

The Banso culture, like many other African cultures, has a strong ancestral cult. Magic and witch forces play an important role. The so-called "Jujus" (pronounced Dshoo-dshoo) are people who develop magical powers when their wear masks. There are several Jujus for various occasions, for example funeral-Jujus or Palace-Jujus, Night-Jujus and begging Jujus. Often they move through the streets on their way to the palace, or a party, accompanied by their noisy members of its society that scares the population away from them and try to frighten the children and women by suggestive gestures
Also, the contact with the ancestors is of great importance. There are many dance and music groups, the old songs and traditions alive and to meet regularly.

Begging Juju Masks of Palace-Jujus
Juju in Nkambe Juju and retinue